This is the time of year when our thoughts turn to changing old habits and getting fitter and healthier. Inevitably, post the Christmas excesses I see an influx of new clients eager to lose weight, shape up and get fit for the New Year, and equally within 6-10 weeks many of them will have slipped back into old habits; missing classes or sessions because of work, children, not feeling well and generally feeling they don't have the time needed to do it. Why does this happen year on year I wonder? I think it's because we set our expectations way too high and when we don't reach those impossible heights, we simply give up.
Tips to treat the common cold
Pilates and Pregnancy Part Three - Exercise Post Birth
Exercise Post Birth
It goes without saying that new mums want to get back to their pre baby weight as soon as possible after giving birth, and from my experience with clients this time is the most challenging for women as they struggle to come to terms with the change of lifestyle a new baby brings; lack of time and energy being the two key factors in trying to re-establish a fitness routine.
I mentioned in my Pilates and Pregnancy Blog part one that giving birth is like running a marathon, and I really encourage new mums to think this way. You have been in training for months for the event, the event has happened and however it went your body is now in recovery, and needs time to heal itself.
And this is the REALLY important bit- a methodical, slow paced approach to recovering the body through exercise will be much more sustainable and see the best results in the long term. Gentle, focused exercises are the key to getting your body back to optimum condition, feeling good and working well.
So where do you start?
What you can do is begin gentle pelvic floor exercises within 24 hours after giving birth, this will help reduce swelling and speed up the healing process. The NCT has a section on this: and I would recommend every woman reads it as I’ve had clients follow these exercises religiously who’ve had a great recovery post birth. These exercises will also prevent problems in later life such as bladder control so worth putting the time in, and it’s something that is easy to do and can be maintained regularly, as often as you care to do it. The other thing you can do to help get back to normal is to eat healthy balanced meals with plenty of fruit and vegetables. If you want to lose weight then by all means cut down on sugary foods but do not go on any sort of diet, your body needs all the nutrients it can get. The NHS website have a section on keeping fit and healthy with a new baby:
Resuming Exercise
Once you have had your post natal check with your GP at around six to eight weeks and they have said that you are safe to exercise, you can begin your Pilates again. If you have had a caesarean you will need longer so listen to your doctors or midwife’s advice, and be sure to follow it. Remember that whatever sort of birth you had, your back and your core will have weakened so take it slowly. Pilates is especially good at this time in your life as it is a precise approach to movement that strengthens your core, back and joints whilst teaching you to be aware at all times of your posture. The deep breathing is especially good at helping tired mums relax and de-stress and is a simple way to start the recovery process. Relaxine will stay in the body until you have finished breastfeeding so be aware that your ligaments and joints will be more supple than usual and take care not to overstretch or twist your body. And finally remember this quote when you’re feeling challenged by your new lifestyle and not sure you can make it to your pilates class.
‘Change happens through movement and movement heals’
Joseph Pilates
Written material copyright of Rachel Lawrence.
All Rights reserved.
Pilates and Pregnancy: Part One - Preparing for Pregnancy
Tips for a Healthy and Happy Holiday
My Big Fat Dairy Diet: Reasons why eating full fat food is good for you
Christmas message from Rachel
It has been a momentous year at Rachel Lawrence Pilates and I wanted to thank you all for your continued support. Whether you read the blog, follow me on twitter or instagram, read my Facebook page or come to class you are all appreciated.
With more and more of you tuning into the benefits of Pilates and a healthy lifestyle the business has gone from strength to strength just as your wellbeing has. It's so rewarding to see and hear how you have created your own healthy lifestyle from what you've learned.
Well done!
There are exciting plans ahead for 2016; more health and wellbeing news, more classes and I will be adding Pilates films for you to view and take part in at home, so stay tuned for a bigger, better, healthier 2016!
Merry Christmas to you all,
Rachel x
Supercharge your Snacks and lose weight
What's the Matcha with you?
Described as ‘the most antioxidant rich super food in the world’ Matcha is the ground leaves of the green tea plant. Favoured in Japanese tea houses for centuries, this little green powder packs a powerful punch in terms of goodness. It burns fat, fights cancer, increases your concentration and boosts your energy.
Pineapple Post Easter Detox Smoothie
I love Easter for so many reasons, the break from work, the sunshine, the cherry blossoms that start to appear on the trees, and not least of all the possibility of some extra chocolate. I do love my chocolate! But after the Easter break, I can feel a bit lethargic and in need of something fresh, clean and healthy so here it is. My post Easter detox smoothie, a perfect antidote!
It’s got a zing from the lime, and tastes exceptionally fresh and clean. The pineapple is packed with Vitamin C, essential fibre, and potassium so great for heart health, digestion and clearer skin. There is also a little known fact that the enzyme it contains Bromelain has been found in studies to reduce swelling, bruising and pain associated with injury and surgery. So one to add to the recipe book for those occasions.
Coconut oil is a 'must have' ingredient, it has too many benefits to list here but a key one to note in relation to Easter and chocolate is its weight loss properties! It contains short and medium-chain fatty acids that help in taking off excessive weight. Furthermore, it increases the body’s metabolic rate by removing stress on the pancreas, thereby burning more energy which in turn helps to lose weight.
So drink, enjoy, and feel a little bit smug that you're doing something incredibly healthy for yourself.
Half a small pineapple cut into chunks
1 banana
1 apple cut into chunks
Juice of half a lime
250 ml Coconut water
1 dessertspoon coconut oil
2 dessertspoons of Linwoods Milled flaxseed, almonds, brazil nuts, walnuts and co-enzyme Q10
I like to keep things simple so put it all in the blender and whizz until fully blended. You can have this as a meal replacement (I had it for breakfast today) in which case drink it all. If you're having it with a meal then share with a friend/colleague or get the kids to drink it with you! You never know you may convert them into smoothie fans too!
© Rachel Lawrence. All rights reserved. No reproduction without permission.
A Fitness Challenge for your Family this Easter!
Let’s face it, most of us would benefit from being getting a bit (a lot?) more exercise. Children over five and teenagers should, according to the Department of Health, be doing a bare minimum of 60 minutes ‘moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity’ every day. And once you reach adulthood you’re not off the hook. If you’re between 19-64 you should aim to be physically active for at least 20 minutes every day, and for no less than an hour and a half each week.
When you see it written down like that it doesn’t look that much, but for many of us there can be little time between work and family commitments to focus on fitness. It’s often the last priority when it should really be right up there. How can you do everything else that’s expected of you, after all, if you don’t look after yourself?
So here is a fun, and sociable (and slightly competitive!) fitness challenge for the whole family to enjoy over the Easter break. I’ve done it with a family I teach regularly, so it’s a tried and tested workout! This is your chance to see who’s the fittest - mum, dad, or the kids!
Rachel’s five day fitness challenge!
The whole family needs to do the five exercises below for the week leading up to Easter Sunday. To make sure everyone is motivated to stay the course you could offer a special Easter treat as a reward to everyone who completes the challenge.
Start by doing 4 repetitions of each exercise on Monday 30th March, then add one extra repetition of each exercise per day until Easter Sunday, by which time you'll be doing 10 of each.
Do make sure you all do the workout on something soft when you’re lying down, a carpet will do as long as you have no back problems.
And that’s it!
I’ll be posting on my blog and facebook page too so please let me know how you’re getting on, who completed the task and what your reward was!
The Eggsercises – sorry, but it is Easter!
Roll down and walk the plank
Standing up straight to begin with, feet hip distance apart. Start to roll your spine down starting from the neck until your hands are close to the floor. Bend your knees, put your hands on the floor and start to walk forward with your hands until you are in the plank position. Take a breath and then walk your hands back until they are near your feet and roll back up.
Start kneeling on all fours, then lift your right arm and left leg at the same time and balance like a flying superhero. Hold it for a moment, then do the same on the other side. You need to do both sides to count as one repetition.
The Chiswick Bridge
Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet hip width apart and arms down by your side. Pull your tummy in, tilt your pelvis towards you and roll your pelvis up starting from the tailbone until your body is in a bridge position with your pelvis in the air. Take a breath, then roll the spine back down onto the floor.
The Westside Leg Lift
Lying on your side, bottom arm straight out in line with your body and with your head resting on it. Make sure your legs are together and that you are completely on your side so that your hips don’t roll forward and you are not arching your back. Place the hand of your top arm in front of your chest with elbow bent. Breathe out and try to lift both legs off the floor without your spine arching or your hips rolling forward or back. You need to keep your body in as straight a line as possible.
The Chiswick House Swan Prep
Lie on your front with your arms bent, elbows close to the sides of your body and palms facing down. Pull your tummy in and away from the floor. As you breathe in lift your back up slowly until you feel the weight on your elbows. Breathe out to lower back down to the floor. If your back feels ok, you can progress to lifting up until your arms are straight. At no point must you sag in the back, keep the abdominals pulling in to protect your lower back. The kids will do this one easily, us adults find it a bit more challenging as our flexibility decreases with age!
Don’t forget to let me know how you got on by posting here or on my Facebook page!
And a very Happy Easter to you!
© Rachel Lawrence. All rights reserved. No reproduction without permission.
Purple Perk Me Up Smoothie
With the lighter evenings and the wonderful glimpses of sunshine we’ve had in London over the last few days it feels like spring is on the way. So I thought I’d bring a little more sunshine into your day by rustling up a new smoothie.
I’m an advocate of buying local and supporting those unsung heroes of the high street; the individuals, the one off businesses who work hard and keep the character of our high streets unique. One of these is my local fruit and vegetable stall. Every week, I’ll pop along and buy a selection of whatever they have and then make something out of it. It’s great fun as it challenges me to think more about what I’m eating, as well as be more creative with my cooking, rather than sticking to the same old recipes.
This week they had an abundance of blackberries and mangos so here’s my little smoothie experiment! I call it the Purple Perk Me Up as it’s refreshing, revitalizing and a great way to start the day.
10 Blackberries
1 Mango –flesh chopped into chunks
Handful of Spinach
250ml Coconut Water
2 Dessertspoons of Linwood’s Milled Flaxseed with bio cultures & Vitamin D
Blend the coconut water and spinach first, then add the rest of the ingredients and whizz until fully mixed. There’s enough for two so share the love around and give a glass to someone who looks in need of a perk me up too.
The Science bit
Apart from being fresh and tasty, this smoothie is full of goodness. The blackberries are rich in bioflavonoids and Vitamin C; the dark colour ensures blackberries have one of the highest antioxidant levels of all fruits. Antioxidants are well-known for lowering the risk of a number of cancers. Blackberries also have a healthy dose of Vitamin K which helps the muscles to relax.
Mangoes are an excellent source of Vitamin-A and flavonoids, which have been known to have antioxidant properties and are essential for vision. Vitamin A is also required for maintaining healthy skin. Mangoes are also a good source of potassium, which is an important component of cell and body fluids and helps control the heart rate and blood pressure.
I’ve added the Linwoods flaxseed with vitamin D to boost the vitamin D levels after all the long, dark nights of winter. What’s also good about this particular flaxseed mix is it contains good bacteria for a healthy gut, great for improving digestion. And finally, it also contains Omega 3, which contributes to healthy blood and cholesterol levels.
The science bit done, it’s just really tasty so give it a go and let me know what you think!
© Rachel Lawrence. All rights reserved. No reproduction without permission.