Happy Hazelnut Truffles

Happy Hazelnut Truffles

These cute little bundles of energy are a great snack to have in between meals when your batteries are running low. They’re tasty, sweet, taste of chocolate but have no added sugar so you can be sure you’re being healthy, whilst giving yourself a treat. Being made of nuts they’re full of protein, so just pop one in when you’re in need of a pick me up between meals. Just make sure you only have the one!

I usually have one mid morning or mid afternoon to keep me going in between teaching my plates and barre classes, they keep my energy up and satisfy my love of chocolate.  Enjoy and let me know what you think!


50g (2 ounces) Hazelnuts

4 Large medjool dates (de-stoned)

2 Dessertspoons ground flaxseed

2 tablespoons of coconut oil

3 tsp organic cocoa powder

Handful of desiccated coconut

Put all the ingredients into the food processor and blend well. You'll get a sticky, moist chocolate mix. Next, put a handful of desiccated coconut into a small cereal bowl and get a tupperware box to hand.

Using a tablespoon, scoop out 1 tablespoonful of the mixture at a time, and with clean hands roll gently into a small golf ball size shape. Once nice and round place in the cereal bowl with the desiccated coconut in, and roll around until fully covered with coconut, then place in the tupperware box. Do this until you have used all the mixture up. Put the top on the box and refrigerate for a minimum of 2 hours. Keep them in the fridge and they’ll last a week.

This recipe makes about 8 truffles, they are only 6 in the picture because I ate two already. Whoops! Try and be more angelic than me, and eat one at a time!

Happy truffling! x

© Rachel Lawrence. All rights reserved. No reproduction without permission.