How do you feel about your body? Do you look at it with admiration at what it can do? Or do you pick out parts you don’t like, critique and compare to others. I’m fessing up to being guilty of the second statement on occasion. Odd you may think when I’ve danced all my life but growing up in a competitive environment and a society where it’s socially acceptable to criticise and comment on a woman’s body can do that to you. And I don’t want that for the next generation, nor do I want anyone who feels that way to continue feeling negative about body image. This is why all my classes and YouTube sessions are body positive and age positive. These two subjects are close to my heart which is why I created my latest session- ‘Love your Body Pilates! 30 Minute Life-Affirming Morning Routine.’ No Equipment is needed and the ethos of the session is focusing on the positive. What our bodies can do, what amazing organic machines they are and how with a little love and appreciation you can totally reset your thinking. ❤️ Build confidence as well as strength and energy with this 30 minute full body morning routine. Get your day started with positivity and a little inner glow. This session will work the whole body as well as stretch tight muscles and strengthen the ones that need a little help. A lovely all round routine taught with positivity and a happy vibe. Absolutely one to do everyday. Don’t forget to subscribe so you’re automatically notified every time I upload a new workout. Take care, stay safe and enjoy every moment of this day, you are fabulous ❤️
Here’s the link if you’d like to try it today: