
My First Podcast!

My First Podcast!

I was invited to guest on popular podcast 5 Minutes to Change Your Life by broadcaster Joanne Mallon who was recently recommended by UK magazine Woman and Home as the podcast to listen to in August. I am beyond thrilled and honoured to be invited. Joanne asked me to come up with a way to improve posture in just 5 minutes so do have a listen, let me know what you think and please share this link with any friends you'd like to help too.

Standing Pilates to Correct Forward Head Posture

Standing Pilates to Correct Forward Head Posture

Forward Head Posture used to be an age related condition but not any more, with the advent of technology and 18 months of Covid I’ve noticed how every age group now has this posture to some degree- call it text neck or forward head- we all need to move more mindfully to stop this posture becoming permanent. Me included!

Whilst we don’t all have access to a pilates studio we do all have a wall at home so here’s a sample of what can be done to correct the posture.