The 3 Secrets To Getting Fit in 2018

This is the time of year when our thoughts turn to changing old habits and getting fitter and healthier. Inevitably, post the Christmas excesses I see an influx of new clients eager to lose weight, shape up and get fit for the New Year, and equally within 6-10 weeks many of them will have slipped back into old habits; missing classes or sessions because of work, children, not feeling well and generally feeling they don't have the time needed to do it. Why does this happen year on year I wonder? I think it's because we set our expectations way too high and when we don't reach those impossible heights, we simply give up.  

So I want to say 'Don't give up!' Let's reset and start again with some realistic goals. No matter what your age or stage in life there is something out there for you, you just have to find the right type of fitness for you.  So what exactly are the 3 secrets to getting fit in 2018?

1. Find your fitness tribe

Forget all the fitness brands and bootcamps promising you an instant new look, you cannot change overnight. It's not realistic or good for your wellbeing to expect to see instant results. Your body is organic matter, it's not a machine and it (and you!) need time to develop, change, stretch, strengthen and tone. No matter how great the marketing there is no single fitness brand that will deliver that for you if you don't actually enjoy the fitness.  So what you need to think about is what do actually ENJOY doing? Don't worry about the latest fitness craze, just find something you will want to do, that makes you feel good and something you think you will want to do regularly.  I've never been one for being screamed at by a bootcamp instructor but if that's your thing, do it. Equally if it isn't don't feel the need to do it because it promises to deliver you what you want. The truth is it won't deliver you anything if you don't like it and stick with it. JOY is the word we're looking for here, what gives you JOY? I recently launched ballet classes for adults who've never done ballet before, and I see sheer joy on their glowing faces when they come out of class, and you know what, they come back week after week because they enjoy it. So you need to find your tribe, the place where you fit in, where you feel good and where you are with like-minded people. 

2. 'You've got to be a beginner before you can be anything else'

Take heart, relax and tell yourself you are a beginnner. There is no need to feel competitive with yourself or others, no need to think you have to be great at whatever it is. Tell yourself 'I'm a beginner, I'm going to take my time and get it right bit by bit, step by step and in my own good time'  because this isn't a race, it's not a competition, it's about embracing a new way of life. So throw aside those worries, the expectations and that end goal because that can be a long way off. The secret is to think of yourself as a beginner, then the pressure is off and you're just learning a new way of living.

3. Consistency

The biggest secret of all- consistency- it is THE only way to get fit and stay fit. If you can make fitness a habit you WILL reach your goals. Make it your priority to keep on track with attending class every week and before you know it you will see, feel and notice the difference. Not just in the way you look but something far better- the way you feel about yourself. You'll be full of energy, stronger, less back and joint pain and just more content in having succeeded at creating a new healthy lifestyle.  Remember this is a great, big beautiful adventure that you're going on, and each week it will get better and better, and as it does your confidence will soar.

My most treasured reminder of this was when my oldest client (80) showed me that after a  year of Pilates she could stand on one leg without falling over- THAT is a real achievement and if you could have seen the JOY in her face at having acheived that for herself you would be smiling from ear to ear just as she was. 

So, the moral of the story is forget the hype this January and just do what makes you feel good, because when you do all the benefits of a healthy lifestyle will follow.

We work especially hard at Rachel Lawrence Pilates to make sure you always feel welcome and valued as a member of our community. No judgement and no competition in classes, this is about feeling good about yourself and doing the best that you can do. So why not take that step and join us today? You can try your first class for just £10 by booking in here

And if January has left you feeling in need of a boost we still have a few places left on our holistic detox and Fitness workshop - 2018 Renew, Recharge & Reset on Sunday 14th January in Chiswick, West London. This 2 hour workshop will help you reset the clock and start the year with a healthy dose of expert nutrition and fitness advice plus an amazing GOODIE bag of wellbeing gifts. To read more and book in click here

Written material copyright of Rachel Lawrence.
All Rights reserved.