3 Easy Ways to Lose Weight this January

We’re two weeks into the New year so life should be settling back down into routine, and ( I hope) you now have time to think about your health and wellbeing. Making changes to one’s health and wellbeing can seem daunting if it has been a while, or indeed if you feel you’ve tried everything and it’s just not working and that’s where I come in. I want to help you be THE BEST YOU CAN BE so join me and let’s take this journey together. I read, study and research all things related to a healthy, happy lifestyle so be sure to check in with my social pages and YouTube channel to keep up to date, and to get inspired!

In the meantime here’s a few New Year, Best You tips from my nutritionist friend, Ali Prentice who will be co-hosting our next wellbeing workshop 'Shift Your Middle' on Sunday the 27th January in Chiswick, West London. This workshop is about losing weight around your middle, you know the sort of weight that can creep up on you, and we’re not going to shy away from it! We’re going to take it on, be brave and be kind to ourselves but we ARE going to tackle it. We are here for you and will do our best to coach you and support you through your weight loss journey. Over to Ali……

“New habits are cemented one step at a time, so shift your mindset away from crash diets and punishing resolutions that are too just too hard. Instead, identify a key element in your diet or lifestyle you want to improve and commit to a few simple adjustments.

If you are carrying a little extra around your waist post Xmas, this could simply be:

1. Switching one sweetened fizzy drink to mineral water infused with lemon or cucumber slices

2. Swapping a favourite sugary processed snack for apple slices spread with a little almond butter, or two squares of 70% dark chocolate

3. Reducing your stress hormones by spending just ten minutes in Nature each day - going for a walk in the park or by the river for example.

Practice these swaps for 14 days and they should become habits you no longer even have to think about.

During our joint Shift Your Middle workshop, I’ll share loads more tips like this - and coach you on what, how and when to eat to switch on your natural fat-busting pathways. And to kick start your journey to the new you, you’ll also get simple, tasty and nutritious recipe ideas and tasters – plus a practical month of meal plans so no worrying about what to eat. You just shop, and cook! What do you have to lose? Only the weight around your middle!"

As an added incentive to increase your weightloss, we will be recommending you add more activity to your week, so we will be offering a *50% discount on an extra term of pilates (or ballet) classes for everyone who books in.

*Terms and Condtions apply - click here to find out more and book in.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Rachel and Ali x


Latest news!

The wonderful wellbeing brand As Nature Intended will be giving everyone who books into our workshop a goodie bag full of wellbeing treats to take-away with them.

We have just 3 Places left on our workshop so don’t delay and book in today!

Written material copyright of Rachel Lawrence.

All Rights reserved