Rachel Lawrence

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Killer Kale Smoothie

Why is it a killer kale smooothie? Well, I noticed in Pilates class recently how many people have developed colds since Autumn arrived, so this is a special smoothie to kill off those pesky British germs. If you’re one of my stateside fans do try this too as it’s delicious and you don't need to be a Brit to enjoy it!

Kale is an impressive source of vitamins A, B, C and K as well as fibre, potassium and calcium.

I’ve added mango as it’s rich in Vitamins A and C as well as antioxidants, and the apple delivers even more cold busting Vitamin C. The coconut water adds flavour, additional nutrition as well as an energy boost,  and the linseed gives you a vital shot of omega 3’s- great for a healthy heart amongst many other benefits. So give it a go and let me know what you think!


250ml Coconut Water

Generous handful of curly Kale

Flesh of 1 large mango (cut into small chunks)

1 Apple- chopped (but keep the skin on for the fibre benefits)

2 dessertspoons of golden linseed (can substitute with Linwoods ground linseed if you prefer)

Put the coconut water and kale into your liquidiser and whizz up until fully blended, then add the rest of the ingredients one at a time and blend each one in until all are combined. I used the whole linseeds as I like the crunch of the seeds, but you can of course add ground linseed if that’s your preference.

It makes a light, fresh smoothie with plenty for a friend so why not pour into two glasses and share the love around!  Alternatively, it's also a great way to get the kids to try a green smoothie- I'd use the ground linseeds for them - serve it up on Halloween and watch their faces as you tell them it's a 'Killer Kale Smoothie' !

Happy Halloween!

© Rachel Lawrence. All rights reserved. No reproduction without permission.