Rachel Lawrence

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How to stay positive in anxious times

As I sit here with my morning coffee I am thinking about all of you out there on your fitness and wellbeing journeys and how I can help you. Then I saw this quote by London writer S.C Lourie,

‘Just for the record darling, not all positive change feels positive in the beginning.’

And I thought, yes, this is perfect for today. Change is hard, it's scary and stepping into a new way of life doesn't necessarilly feel positive to begin with. When I gave a up a successful career as a TV producer 10 years ago to retrain as a Pilates Instructor in California, it was terrifying. I was relatively fit but hadn't done any serious movement training since an injury in my twenties ended my dance career. I was a lone Brit, the oldest in the group by 15+ years and I really wasn't sure I was doing the right thing. I had spent all my savings on my training and plane ticket, I was staying in a basic motel with no one I knew in the country. It's only now looking back that I realise what a positive change it was. I learned something new, I made friends who I am still in contact with, I changed my whole work/life balance and above all I am fitter, healthier and happier than I was back then. If only I had known it would turn out that way!

Starting on a fitness journey especially at times like these when our social lives are so disconnected by the Covid crisis is scary. It can be worrying, you may wonder whether you're doing enough, or the right sort of exercise, you may not enjoy it at all to start with, or you may find it difficult to motivate yourself and see the positviity in what you’re doing, but trust me you will see it and it will be worth it.

Think of this time as an opportunity for you to focus on your health; that this current climate of seemingly disconnectedness with our normal social circle could spark a new way to reach out and connect in new ways with each other and yourself. Be brave. Life can be so incredibly busy so let’s choose to look at these quiet moments we have now as a gift. A chance to focus on our wellbeing, to find joy in the little things.

Every time you roll out your pilates mat, and switch on your device to take class you really are taking care of yourself. The positive effects of each session are cumulative and you will find one day soon, that you suddenly just feel so much better. I get around 900 messages a month on my YouTube channel from people whose lives have changed for the better since taking up regular exercise. Many of them older exercisers who thought they’d never get fit again, not only are they fitter but more positive overall and that’s what I want for everyone at this time, a reduction in anxiety, a sense of wellbeing and purpose, and a happier state of mind.

If you’re feeling anxious, don’t let it stop you exercising, try and focus on how you feel post exercise when those mood boosting hormones have been released and most of all remember why you're doing this, because you deserve to feel good about yourself in mind and body, and exercise is the best way to do that.

Stay positive, keep going and have a wonderful week. You're doing great x

Written material and photograph copyright of Rachel Lawrence.

All Rights reserved

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